Kendrion contact
Head Office
Kendrion N.V.
Vesta Building - 5th floor
Herikerbergweg 213
1101 CN Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Contact now
Kendrion contact
Head Office
Kendrion N.V.
Vesta Building - 5th floor
Herikerbergweg 213
1101 CN Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Contact now



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Kendrion can change this website in full or in part at any time without notification and/or shut it down as it wishes and without assuming any liability. In addition, under no circumstances is it obligated to update the website. In view of the nature of the internet and computer systems, Kendrion does not assume any liability for the uninterrupted accessibility of the Kendrion website.

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Kendrion N.V.
Vesta Building - 5th floor
Herikerbergweg 213
1101 CN Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Phone: +31 85 073 1500
Mail: info@kendrion.com


Executive Board:
Jozef van Beurden CEO
Johannes Hemmen CFO

VAT: NL-0014.03.849.B.01
Chamber of Commerce: 30113646


German entities

Kendrion (Donaueschingen/Engelswies) GmbH


August-Fischbach-Straße 1
78166 Donaueschingen

Phone: +49 771 8009-0
Fax: +49 771 8009-3634
Mail: sales-ims@kendrion.com

Managing Directors:
Dipl.-Ing. Robert Lewin
Johannes Hemmen

EORI-Nr. DE4736079
VAT-No.: DE 812 879 802

Chamber of Commerce: Lübeck, HRB 24632 HL



Kendrion Kuhnke Automation GmbH

Lütjenburger Straße 101
23714 Malente

Phone: +49 4523 402-0
Fax: +49 4523 402-201
Mail: sales-ics@kendrion.com

Managing Directors:
Dipl.-Ing. Robert Lewin
Johannes Hemmen

VAT-No.: DE 253 873 573

Chamber of Commerce: Amtsgericht Luebeck, HRB 7029 H


Kendrion Kuhnke Automotive GmbH


Lütjenburger Straße 101
23714 Malente

Phone: +49 4523 402-0
Fax: +49 4523 402-247
Mail: automotive@kendrion.com

Managing Directors:

Olaf Klinghagen   

Dr. Manfred Schlett 

Ralf Wieland

VAT-No.: DE 253 873 565

Chamber of Commerce: Amtsgericht Lübeck, HRB 7022 HL


Kendrion (Markdorf) GmbH
Riedheimer Straße 5
88677 Markdorf


Phone: +49 7544 964 - 0
Fax: +49 7544 6218
Mail: info-markdorf@kendrion.com

Managing Directors:

Johannes Hemmen

Olaf Klinghagen   

Ralf Wieland

VAT-No.: DE 811 209 492

Chamber of Commerce: Amtsgericht Freiburg im Breisgau, HRB 580328

Kendrion (Villingen) GmbH
Wilhelm-Binder-Straße 4-6
78048 Villingen-Schwenningen


Phone: +49 7721 877-0
Fax: +49 7721 877-1462
Mail: sales-villingen-ib@kendrion.com

Managing Directors:
Johannes Hemmen

Dr. Andreas Laschet

Ralf Wieland

Olaf Klinghagen


VAT-No.: DE 142 984 353

Chamber of Commerce: Amtsgericht Freiburg im Breisgau, HRB 600313

Kendrion INTORQ GmbH
Wülmser Weg 5
31855 Aerzen


Phone: +49 5154 70534-0
Fax: +49 5154 70534-200
Mail: sales-aerzen-ib@kendrion.com

Managing Directors:
Dr. Andreas Laschet
Lars Knoke


VAT-No.: DE814222523

Chamber of Commerce: Hannover HRA 220878


Kendrion (Linz) GmbH


Estermannstrasse 27
4020 LINZ

Phone: +43 732 7763 83
Mail: office@kendrion-binder.at

Managing Directors:
Christian Edelmaier
Robert Lewin


Firmenbuchgericht: Handelsgericht Linz

Firmenbuch: FN 82136 P / VAT-No: ATU 23027301

Kendrion (China) Co.,Ltd


Factory Building No. 2
#17 Su Hong East Road, Suzhou Industrial Park
215026 SUZHOU

Phone: +86 512 83981819
Fax: +86 512 83981817
Mail: sales-china@kendrion.com

Managing Director:
Telly Kuo

Tax No. 320509773759510 (national tax)
Tax No. 91320594773759510N (local tax)


Czech Republic

Kendrion (Prostějov) s.r.o.


Průmyslová 10
79601 Prostějov
Czech Republic


Phone: +420 582 300 711
Fax: +420 582 361 400
Mail: info-prostejov@kendrion.com

Managing Directors:
Tomas Soldan Ph.D.

VAT No. CZ 255 52 619/ DE 252 999 248

Commercial Register: Krajsky soud Brno/C 32911



INTORQ India Pvt. Ltd.


Plot No. E-2/7, Chakan Industrial Area,
Phase 3, Kharabwadi, Taluka-Khed,
Pune, 410501 Maharashtra

Phone: +91 21 35625500
Mail: info-pune-ib@kendrion.com

Managing Director:
Aniket Gujrathi


Traderegister no.: U29253PN2015PTC154324
GST-No.: 27AADCI7746R1ZP




Kendrion Automotive (Sibiu) S.R.L.              


Str. Lyon 2                                                      
550018 Sibiu

Phone: +40 269 505 100 (general)
Fax: +40 269 236 16
Mail: info-pc-sibiu@kendrion.com

Managing Director:
Andra Boboc

VAT-No.: RO10949666

Chamber of Commerce: J32/513/1998



Kendrion Industrial (Sibiu) S.R.L.


Str. Lyon Nr. 2 hala 3, camera 1
550018 Sibiu Romania

Phone: +40 374 505 114
Mail: sales-ics-sibiu@kendrion.com

Managing Directors:
Mihai Petculescu
Robert Lewin

VAT- no.: RO 33652116

Chamber of Commerce: J32/840/2014


United States

Kendrion (Mishawaka) LLC
56733 Magnetic Drive
Mishawaka, IN 46545-7481


Phone: +1-574-257-2422
Mail: sales-mishawaka@kendrion.com

Managing Director: 
Corey Hurcomb


Kendrion (Shelby) Inc.


1100 Airport Road
Shelby, NC 28150-3639

Phone: +1 704 482 9582
Fax: +1 704 481 1868
Mail: sales.shelby@kendrion.com

Board Member:
Johannes Hemmen CFO


Managing Director:
Ingo Griessmann

Kendrion (Atlanta), Inc.

106 Northpoint Pkwy STE 400
Acworth, GA 30102


Phone: +1 678 2360555
Fax: +1 678 3091157
Mail: info-atlanta-ib@kendrion.com

Managing Director:
Olaf Detlef

Tax-ID No.: ID 94-3487344
State of Georgia Corporate Registration No. 09063100